Carry On Bags
In Jefferson County, 13.4 percent or 2,250 adults and children are food insecure. Approximately 50 percent of Fairfield school district students are on free and reduced-price meals. The food insecurity rate for children in Iowa is 19.3 percent.
By providing food bags for students on Fridays and before school breaks, such as spring break, we help feed food-insecure children in our community. This in turn gives some relief to the family as a whole.
Food Insecurity
According to the US Department of Agriculture, "Food Insecurity is the lack of access or availability of adequate food, at times, for household members or uncertain availability of nutritionally adequate foods. Often there are trade offs for other basic needs such as housing costs, monthly bills and seasonal fuel for heating. "
Bag Items

COB delivers food bags to the schools weekly. The schools then discreetly distribute the bags to students in the program. Students may sign up any time during the year. If you no longer wish to receive bags, please email Carry On Bags or send a letter to the PO Box address below to have the bags discontinued.